Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Persuasive Speech Topics - Content is Key

Persuasive speech aims at affecting listeners' ideas, thoughts and beliefs and changing them through masterful or persuasive oratory. Before delivering a persuasive speech, the speaker must outline a list of persuasive speech topics that he might present.

Choosing Persuasive Speech Topics

A persuasive speech cannot be effective if the speaker chooses the wrong topic. The topic chosen must interest the speaker and the audience; otherwise, he runs the risk of a listless, uninterested delivery that will spell disaster for the speech. Audience members are quick to catch on when the speaker seems less than enthusiastic and will begin to tune you out before long. Choose a topic that you are passionate about and that genuinely fires you up. Such passion can be infectious and, before long, the audience will begin to share your enthusiasm.

Additionally, keep audience interests in mind while scouting for new persuasive speech topics. They need not be topics that are excessively familiar to the audience, but they must have an element of surprise. Persuasive speech topics should also be selected keeping in mind audience needs. i.e. they should be relevant to listeners, their needs, and success. Choosing an irrelevant topic that no one identifies with is a sure way to disconnect with an audience and lose their attention.

The length of the topic should also be carefully considered before selection of a persuasive speech topic. It can't be so small that you end up having to "fill in" content just to complete the length of the presentation and not so long that you run out of time. Persuasive speech topics must also be well researched and learned. A speaker who seems knowledgeable on all facets of his topic is more appealing to the audience than someone who seems less than sure about his overall understanding. Don't chose a persuasive speech topic that's not worthy of debate or change. For instance, a topic like, "Drug Abuse in School and Their Destructive Effect", is probably a no brainer since all of us know that drug abuse is destructive. There is no question about trying to convince anyone here. Instead look for a topic that has two opposing sides and try to convince your audience about the merits of your point of view.

The speaker must be able to get across a motivating message to the audience. In other words, draw up on real life adversities that you have faced so they can see that it is possible for them to surmount challenges too. Draw from a wealth of real life experiences, stories, and examples to illustrate your points.

The Right Persuasive Speech Topics Can Make All the Difference

Selection of the right topics is crucial to a perfectly delivered speech. The speaker must not only choose an appropriate topic, he also needs to build up a framework around that topic and fill it with the right content. Any one of these steps in isolation will be ineffective. For example, a great speech topic might not be able to hold an audience's attention if it is not structured and organized properly. Similarly, using the most flowery language will not rescue a poorly chosen topic. Ultimately, it is a combination of all these factors that go into the making and delivery of a great persuasive speech.

Michael Jeffreys is the president of Seminars on DVD, a premiere provider of video based training for businesses and individuals, featuring renowned experts and speakers. Learn more at:

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