Thursday, October 15, 2009

A List of Informative Speech Topics

When making an informative speech, your goal is to be able to impart some information to the listeners. At the end of your speech, you expect your listeners to be able to retain the pertinent information in your speech.
When you are preparing for an informative speech, in-depth research is necessary to create the body of speech. This is what differs this type of speech from other types. Although your speech will still include your personal views, you need to be subtle in expressing them.
Delivering an informative speech is similar to giving a lecture on a specific topic. You need to carefully choose your words so that they are appropriate to the audience and the topic. Therefore, it is important that you also need to research on the professional backgrounds of the audience during your speech.
If you were asked to give an informative speech, your choice of topic is usually limited to the theme of the event, the type of audience and your professional expertise. However, if you are giving a speech as part of an oral exercise or a class presentation, you may choose from the following topics when preparing your speech.
* Health
The popular informative speech topics include those that are related to health and well-being. Encourage the listeners to have a healthy lifestyle by discussing the facts and issues related to health and proper diet. You may also discuss a new exercise program for losing weight and a diet plan that will help shed excess body fat. You can also tackle methods of health measurement including taking body weight, measurements, body mass index and glycerin index.
* Environment
Another popular topic during speeches are those on environmental preservation. Representatives of environmental organizations discuss the effects of genetically modified organisms in different forums. If you would like to create a similar speech, you may also include a list of toxic substances and give the details on how they affect the environment.
* Other researches
This type of speech is best for giving the audience the details of personal researches. If you have done a laboratory experiment, it's results are best discussed using this speech format.
One of the challenges when giving an informative speech is how to keep your listeners interested and how to keep their interest. In will help if you can inject some relevant humor into your speech. You can also relate your topic to popular issues that can catch the interest of your listeners. As much as possible, limit your speech to about thirty minutes.
Please click these links if you want to know more about list informative speech topics or a list of interesting speech topics in general.
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More special Trick&Tips about Informative speech topics :
Best Man Speech
General wedding speech
Speech Tool Kit

Interesting Speech Topics: How To Come Up With Interesting Speech Topics

Are you having a tough time coming up with interesting speech topics? Are you tired of constantly dealing with the same speech ideas over and over again? Well, the truth is, many people are! To come up with interesting speech topics, you have to clear out your mind of those old, nasty cobwebs.

Look right through the rules you have been trained to follow since day one. After all, you are here because you want to be different. And to be different, you can't go around the conventional road. It time to take risks!

1) Exercise Your Ears.

While eavesdropping is not really good etiquette, it can lead you to think of all sorts of interesting speech topics. You don't have to act all sneaky and press your ear against doors. Sometimes, you just can't help but overhear bits and pieces of information.

If you are a commuter, hearing other peoples stories is almost always a given. When you're on a train, for example, it's impossible not to hear passengers talking about this and that. What you have to train yourself for is to pick up those bits that matter.

2) Do Something Different.

If you have never tried bowling before, what's stopping you from trying on those bowling shoes? A new experience is something that excites both the mind and the body.

Change is inevitable. And perhaps this change is what you need to get out of your rut and come up with interesting speech topics. Don't look at things with too literal a mind. Enjoy these new experiences and you'll find yourself opening up to new and brighter ideas.

3) Tune In To The Latest Events.

Update yourself constantly. Everyday, something new is happening in some area of the world. Or even in your city for that matter.

When you tune in to the latest news, or surf online for the latest hot topics, you'll be able to come up with ideas which are relevant and which affect a lot of people. Chances are, the people who are to witness your actual speech are affected by it as well.

Coming up with interesting speech topics is like trying to learn something new. Don't keep looking back at your old self. As they say, how can you fill your cup when it's already full? Empty your cup and welcome new ideas.
By: Lee, Michael
More special Trick&Tips about Informative speech topics :
Best Man Speech
General wedding speech
Speech Tool Kit

Persuasive Speeches - How To Structure A Persuasive Speech

Almost every influential person in society can speak persuasively. These leaders have the ability to get other people to act on their ideas. Lawyers, politicians, salespeople are all trained in the power of persuasion.

The purpose of a persuasive speech is to impact the thought or action of the audience. You either will be trying to convince the audience to change their viewpoints to be in line with your viewpoint or you'll be calling them to action.

You first explain your ideas. At the end of your presentation you will ask the audience to take a course of action. This may include buying a product, adopting a new diet, or voting for you.

The preparation of a persuasive speech like any other speech depends on the audience. Clearly, a speech for a hostile audience would be different than a speech prepared for an audience that generally agrees with your viewpoint.

More often than not, your listeners will not particularly care about your viewpoint. It is your duty to first grab their attention and to present your credibility in order to make the audience care about your viewpoint. If your audience does not know anything about your product or your political platform, it is impossible for them to care about it. Thus, you have to educate the audience before you convince them. Speakers almost always forget this step.
Your audience will already have their own biases, opinions and beliefs. You have to think of them as though they are all stubborn old men stuck in their ways. In order for you to influence their behavior and thoughts you are going to have to appeal to both their logic and their motion. You cannot tell someone what to think. If you try to impose your opinion by saying �I am now going to prove this�� you will merely arouse stubbornness. You are better off stressing what you know the audience believes in first and then pose a question. You will then present evidence. Your goal is to have the audience form their own conclusions. It is similar to the modern sales approach. You always look for affirmative answers. For example, you would try and get six affirmations before you launch into the pitch.

To persuade an audience you will need to rely on evidence. You will have to research the facts, statistics and outside expert opinion that supports your viewpoint. It is rare that you will have the credibility to make statements without any reference to outside sources. Listeners want credibility. Unless they trust that the information is reputable, they will not change their minds.
You may be tempted to focus your speech to win over their logical minds. However, you must win over the audiences as hearts and emotions as well. Facts and statistics are not enough. The two most powerful emotions are fear and greed. Now, more than ever, members of the audience are self-interested meaning that you need to appeal to their emotion. What is important to them? What do they fear? Job loss? Retirement savings? Poor health care? What do they desire either secretly or openly? To be rich? Fame? Recognition from their peers? It is your job to craft the speech that appeals to the self-interest of the audience.

As with any speech, you must first grab the audience's attention. In a persuasive speech, you'll often state a problem in the opening of your speech. For example, you might say predatory mortgages have ruined our neighborhood as vacant homes are being looted.

You must then relate the problem to the audience. Why is it important to the audience? Does the audience live in the neighborhood? Do they pay property taxes? Are their home prices being affected by the foreclosure crisis?

After you have explained the problem you then want to propose a solution. You will need to rely on facts, statistics and other supporting material from credible sources as part of your proposal. You can then use the �two possible worlds� approach. You describe two opposite worlds to compare and contrast two solutions. The first world is one where your proposal is rejected. You talk about how property prices in the neighborhood would fall. You could talk about how the foreclosed houses would not be maintained, the distracting blight as you drive by on the way to work in the morning. You could talk about how your taxes would have to increase to support the lost revenue from vacant homes.
You then want to talk about how the neighborhood will look if your solution is adopted. You would mention the increased safety because owners are more likely to look out for their neighbors property. You would describe how the full tax base could enable further investments into local schools.

Finally, you have to urge your listeners to take a course of action. In the previous example, the course of action might be to vote for the passage of a new mortgage relief bill. Your audience now understands the problem, has been able to visualize the benefit of your solution and now clearly understands the course of action that you want them to take. You have appealed to their logic by way of supporting evidence and you have appealed to their emotion by showing how this problem is affecting their wealth, their safety and the enjoyment of their real estate.
By: Alex Thornton

More special Trick&Tips about Informative speech topics :
Best Man Speech
General wedding speech
Speech Tool Kit