Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Best Ideas For Persuasive Speech Topics

Need persuasive speech topics? Here's some things to consider in writing your persuasive speech.

A good topic should be:

  • Controversial. Either in opinions or in actions. What I mean is this: You could choose something traditionally controversial, such as the death penalty. You could also choose something that's not controversial per se, but that people don't actually do, such as wearing seat belts. Most people would agree that they should wear a seatbelt, but do they actually do it? Don't choose something that people already agree on and already do, however. If there's no controversy, there's no opportunity for persuasion.
  • Do-able. You need to be able to actually carry out your persuasion. Unless you've got some really, really, really good evidence, don't try to persuade people that the earth is flat.
  • Compelling. The more boring your topic, the more interesting your speech must be to achieve it's goal.

Here's some things to think about to help you come up with a topic.

  • What makes you happy? If it makes you happy, wouldn't other people be happy with it, also? Persuade them to try out the things that make you happy.
  • What makes you angry? Here's your opportunity to get people to stop bugging you! Persuade people to not do the things that make you angry.
  • If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? It's a classic persuasive speech topic, but if you have some good, unique ideas, this could be the way to go. How would you change the world?
  • What's the smartest thing you've ever done? Persuade other people to do the same.
  • What's the dumbest thing you ever done? Persuade people to not follow in your footsteps.
  • What do you talk about most often? Don't go on your own opinions, ask other people what you talk about the most. You might be surprised at the answers. Whatever they are, you probably know a lot about those things - enough to persuade someone that they should be talking about those things, too.

Need more specific ideas for persuasive speech topics? Think about these:

  • Rights and responsibilities.
  • Safety vs security.
  • Morality.
  • Health.
  • Political issues.

Now go write your speech!

For more public speaking topics, visit Speech Topics on Speech-Time.com. Devin R. Bean is a freelance writer and edits http://www.speech-time.com - giving "public speaking tips and tricks for any deadline".

Posted via email from goodinformativepersuasivespeechtopics's posterous

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