Persuasive essay is also known as Argument essay and it makes use of logic and reason to point out that one idea is more legitimate than another idea. It tries to convince and persuade a reader to take a certain point of view or to do a particular action. In order to convince somebody the argument must be reasonable and supported by solid evidence in the form of facts, examples, quotations etc. The following steps are to be followed while writing a persuasive essay. The most important thing is that you have to carefully choose your position that is which side of the problem are you going to write about and what solution you have to offer. Before writing the essay you should be clear about the purpose of your essay. The next step is to analyze your audience. Understand whether your audience agrees with you, is neutral or disagrees with your position. Doing necessary research on the topic is a must while writing persuasive essays. Many a times you have to go beyond your knowledge and experience to provide specific and convincing evidence. Gathering knowledge from books, learned persons and other sources are the options available for this. Finally you must structure the essay based on your purpose, audience and topic. At this step you should decide what evidence you will present and in what order. There are a few things to be taken care of to produce an effective persuasive essay. Apart from being well informed about the topic you should make sure that the topic is debatable. If you are able to write down a thesis statement directly opposing your own, you can make sure that it is debatable. Understand the counter view point and counter it by providing contrasting evidence. Also while supporting your position make sure that the evidence you provide is reasonable. Are you planning to write a Persuasive essay. If yes then feel free to visit |
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